Tag Archives: namm videos


Where happy to present some of the videos recorded at the EBS NAMM Booth! Unfortunately, we had a problem with our “official” video cam, so on some of these you’ll see some strange “App-like” flickering going on, and finally it simply gave up forcing us to take the last videos with our iPhones. Anyway…here’s some of the stuff that we hope you will enjoy!

Tal Wilkenfeld with Steve Ferrone:


Etienne Mbappé with friends:

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fmmp-VZ6VM%5D [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwrSls2RT9k%5D

Pete Griffin and the EBS Reidmar 250 head:


We have some more stuff too, to be uploaded soon…stay tuned!

/The EBS Team